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NZ Made
The second photo shows tomato plants on the left is the plants using Rootz and the the right hand Tomato are grown with a standfard rotting
solution. The microbial contents of liqua rootz is the difference.
Liqua-Rootz stimulates root development in all established plants, cuttings, transplants, bare-root, and newly potted seedlings It is a
nutrient solution formulated with a blend of proprietary ingredients known to promote root development.
Improves root growth of cuttings.
Assists plants to overcome the effects of transplant shock.
helps increase the root mass of existing plants.
General Directions For Using Liqua-Rootz
For all applications, mix 1.5 mL Liqua-Rootz per 1 litre of water.
A pre-soak of 10 to 15 minutes to initiate root growth on cuttings or plants that need to be repotted.
After sticking cuttings or potting up plants, soak the potting mix thoroughly with a Liqua Rootz solution. Repeat the weekly application for
4 to 6 weeks.
Apply monthly as a pot drench on established plants to stimulate root growth.
Better root growth is observed when you combine Liqua-Rootz with fertiliser.
Adding silca-based plant nutrient to the Liqua-Rootz solution helps cuttings/plants overcome the effects of stress.
Do a compatability test before combining with any other ingredients.
NPK Ratio 0.3-1.0-0.5
Preparation of Cuttings
Select 7 – 15 cm long cuttings from the new growth on vigorous, disease-free plants.
Using a sharp knife or razor blade, sever the cutting from the parent plant by cutting through the stem at a 45° angle.
Do not use shears that crush the tissue.
Place stems only in Liqua-Rootz, diluted at 1.5 mL per 1 litre of water.
Callus formation should start in 7 – 10 days, with roots appearing soon afterwards.
Soaking Cuttings
Soak cuttings in Liqua-Rootz, diluted at 1.5 mL per 1 litre of water, in a nonmetallic container for 10 – 15 minutes, then place in the
growing medium.
For hard-to-root cuttings, use 3 mL per 1 litre of water.
Misting Cuttings
Mix at a dilution rate of Liqua-Rootz, diluted at 1.5 mL per 1 litre of water. Keep the cuttings moist at all times.
Air Rooting
Use Liqua-Rootz, diluted at 1.5 mL per 1 litre of water.
Saturate the rooting medium and place it into a cut on a plant stem.
Cover with opaque plastic or foil. Keep moist with Liqua-Rootz solution until adequate roots form.
Transplanting & Dividing Plants
Drench newly potted or transplanted plants with a solution of Liqua-Rootz, Superthrive Pro TeKt and any Superthrive Foliage Pro.
Liqua-Rootz 1.5 mL per 1 litre of water.
Superthrive Pro TeKt add 0.66 mL per 1 litre of water,
Superthrive Foliage-Pro 0.66 mL per 1 litre of water